Harmony Ecotech Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001:2015 certified and Dun & Bradstreet registered company, manufacturing & exporting a wide range of world class agri inputs, used by knowledgeable and discerning farmers the world over in their Integrated Pest Management (IPM) & Crop Health Management practices, by focussing on Complete Customer Delight.
Harmony endeavours to deliver optimum value to its customers through sustained emphasis on innovative research to develop and deliver quality products at the most economical prices. Through this proactive approach, the company hopes to contribute in its own small way to sustainable crop & ecology management leading to a better balance between human life & nature.
Harmony Ecotech supplies its IPM products under the brand name ActiveIPM and agri inputs such as Bio-Fertilizers, Bio-pesticides, Growth Promoters, Probiotics / Microbial Cocktails etc. under the brand name PRIDHVI and its Storage & Warehousing Pheromones & Traps under the brand name STORE SAFE.
HARMONY ECOTECH, born out of an association of highly qualified & experienced professionals Agricultural Scientists, Entomologists, Chemists and Engineering & Management Professionals, is committed to a healthier and safer environment by minimizing usage of synthetic chemicals in crop protection and crop health management through its natural and innovative solutions. The hands-on experience of the team mates, their multi dimensional exposure, their mind-set and the emphasis on achieving complete customer delight form the corner stones on which Harmony Ecotech is built.
Key Facts of Harmony Ecotech Pvt. Ltd.
Business Type
Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier
To deliver absolute customer delight through quality,
product performance, speed of response and most competitive price.
Percentage of
Exports in Sales
USA, UK, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand
Competitive Advantages
- Customer Centric Approach
- Premium Quality Products
- On time delivery
- Reflex Response
- Competitive Prices
- Environment Friendly
- Excellent Pre & Post Sales Service
No. of Staff
Over 30
Year of
ISO 9001:2015
Toll Manufacturing
/ Private Label
Can do